I am driven by the positive impact mental wellness can have on an individual’s life.
As an adolescent I channeled my energy into becoming a classically trained dancer. As a young adult the grand ideas of academia replaced dance as my primary passion. Today I am fierce advocate for mental health and wellness, a mission ignited by my personal experience with severe mental illness. As a mental health practitioner I help others obtain peace of mind, clarity, and facilitate goals. I believe that helping one person has a direct impact on our collective lives.
“Reality is merely an illusion; albeit a persistent one."
― Albert Einstein
I continue to have curiosities about psychology, and delight in exploring the field, daily. My deepest curiosity is the connection between mental health and total wellness, and how it intersects with the realities of our world today.
I follow research within the domains of positive psychology, perception, mindfulness, success, and behavior change from researchers such as Andrew Huberman, Adam Grant, Angela Duckworth, and Laurie Santos.
In education and in practice I am honored to be surrounded by brilliant people and am truly humbled by their support. I’m excited by the challenges faced as my career unfolds, and eager to experience all life has to offer.
In my spare moments you will find me joyfully exploring nature, practicing imperfect-parenting for an smart and active school-ager, reading inspirational stories, and enjoying quality time with loved ones. Today my dance practice is limited, yet my spirit not dissuaded, as my heart will forever belong to the art of dance.